I'm headed to New York this weekend to see Cirque Du Soleil.I was wondering if you could take cameras in. Probably not.But I'll probably get some great shots of NYC. We're even going to a photography museum. It's the only one I could find that I was really interested in. I'm sure I can take my camera in there.
      Well today I went out to my grandparents and realized that taking pictures outside is a lot harder than inside. The sun won't cooperate and you can't get the effects that you want. Some areas were shaded too and made the photos look dark. When photographing people I realize that people with blue eyes  have much more redeye than any other eye color.
     Alrighty then. This is my first post and I have no idea what I'm doing.Anyways, I got a new Canon Rebel XSI for Christmas.The thing is amazing.  It can make any picture look like it was straight out of a Martha Stuart magazine.The pictures are crystal clear. I took it over to my Aunts house Christmas day. She has 7 grandchildren and even though they were jumping and hustling about none of the pictures showed any noise or destortion. Though its not the New Year yet, I'm making an early resolution. I'm not too sure what it is yet. But it has to do with photography. I suppose my resolution would be to.....to be somebody.Though I'm only 16, I worry constantly about my future. So until I graduate high school I need a job. But I need something that makes you WANT to actually get out of bed. And to me thats where the camera comes in.  I was thinking journalism. Not as a career.No. I can't stand journalists. But as something to do until I can get to college. Please if you have any suggestions on jobs or whatnot, let me know.


    Well, I'm Jocelyn and I'm  16. I am from ye old town of Charles Town in West Virginia. I'm a high school student and musician. Alot of my photographic creativity stems from music and art.


    January 2010
    December 2009



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